How to Get Into Video Game Publishing (10 Steps)

How to Get Into Video Game Publishing? (10 Steps)

Video game publishing offers a thrilling opportunity to bring games to the market and connect with players worldwide.

If you’re passionate about gaming and want to make an impact, this guide will provide insights and steps to get started in video game publishing.

From understanding the industry landscape to acquiring skills, networking, funding, marketing, and legal considerations, you’ll gain a solid foundation for a successful career in this dynamic field.

Let’s explore the path to becoming a video game publisher and unleashing the power of interactive experiences!

10 Steps to Get into Video Game Publishing

Let’s learn the 10 steps on how to become a game publisher!

1. Understanding the Video Game Publishing Landscape

Before diving into the world of video game publishing, it’s essential to understand the various types of game publishers and their roles.

Major publishers, independent publishers, and self-publishing are some of the options available.

A visual graphic of video game publishing landscape

Major publishers often have substantial resources, marketing power, and established distribution networks. In contrast, independent publishers specialize in supporting smaller studios and nurturing unique projects.

Self-publishing allows developers to take full control of the publishing process. So, understanding the landscape will help you navigate the industry effectively.

To learn more about what is a game publisher and what is the differences between a game publisher vs developer, check out this “What Do Video Game Publishers Do?” article.

2. Building a Strong Foundation

To succeed in video game publishing, building a strong foundation is crucial.

Start by immersing yourself in the industry, staying up-to-date with market trends, and understanding the target audience.

Research and learn about video game development and production processes to communicate effectively with developers. A strong foundation of industry knowledge will provide a solid base for your publishing journey.

3. Acquiring the Necessary Skills and Knowledge

Video game publishing requires a diverse set of skills and knowledge. Project management, marketing, and business development skills are essential for successfully bringing games to market.

A visual graphic of a game developer and the development skills

Understanding legal aspects, intellectual property rights, and contracts is also crucial to protect the interests of both parties.

Financial management, budgeting, and monetization strategies play a vital role in ensuring the financial success of projects.

Acquiring these skills and knowledge will position you as a competent and reliable publisher.

4. Networking and Building Relationships

In the video game industry, networking is key to establishing valuable relationships.

Attend industry events, conferences, and trade shows to connect with professionals and gain insights into the industry. Utilize online platforms (such as Steam or, forums, and social media to expand your network and engage with industry peers.

Building relationships with developers, other video game publishers, and industry influencers can open doors to collaboration and opportunities.

5. Building a Strong Portfolio

A strong portfolio is an effective way to showcase your skills, experience, and successful projects. Include your partnerships, achievements, and contributions to the success of published games.

A game portfolio, or pitchdeck

A professional and impressive portfolio will demonstrate your capabilities to potential collaborators and developers.

6. Collaborating with Game Developers

Collaborating with game developers is at the core of video game publishing. Establish partnerships with developers by demonstrating your value and expertise.

Identify potential collaboration opportunities and understand the benefits they bring to both parties. Building and maintaining strong relationships with developers is essential for long-term success.

7. Funding and Financial Considerations

Securing funding is a crucial aspect of video game publishing. Explore traditional funding methods, such as publishers, investors, and loans.

A visual graphic of financial and a video game console

Alternatively, consider alternative funding sources like crowdfunding and grants.

Understand the financial considerations of publishing, including budgeting, revenue sharing models, and return on investment (ROI) calculations.

8. Marketing and Promotion Strategies

Effective marketing and promotion are essential for successfully launching and promoting games. Create comprehensive marketing plans that identify target markets and channels.

Utilize social media, influencers, press releases, and other promotional tactics to generate awareness and engagement.

Tailor your marketing strategies to reach your target audience effectively.

Legal considerations are vital for video game publishing companies.

A picture with legal and regulatory elements

Understand copyright laws, licensing agreements, and intellectual property protection to ensure compliance and protect the interests of all parties involved.

Familiarize yourself with regional regulations, age ratings, and content restrictions to avoid legal issues.

10. Staying Agile and Adapting to Industry Changes

The video game industry is constantly evolving, and as a publisher, it’s crucial to stay agile and adapt to changes. Stay updated with industry trends, technological advancements, and emerging platforms.

Adapt to evolving consumer preferences and market demands. Continuously learn, improve your skills, and explore innovative strategies to remain competitive in the industry.


Getting into video game publishing requires dedication, knowledge, and a passion for the industry.

By understanding the publishing landscape, building a strong foundation, acquiring necessary skills, networking, collaborating with developers, securing funding, implementing effective marketing strategies, and considering legal aspects, you can pave your path to success in video game publishing.

Remember, the industry is dynamic, and continuous learning and adaptation are crucial.

Embrace the challenges and rewards of a career in video game publishing, and embark on a journey of creativity and innovation!

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